domingo, 12 de novembro de 2017

Past and present, man, woman and cannabis.

Sometimes I think what I am today is a desesperated expression for what I was in the past. Everyone's judge my present decisions but what I want it more is to have neither a decision, only chances and curiosity, as we had it when in child form... I am compassionated by animals because of that, at least their past don't prejudice their whole life, and even when the past arises is never with ressentment, my baby cat, a glorius grey mother, when in my contact, after being adopted by a friend of mine, come running to me, knowing me, making her own voice (that we called it as grounings, in our own pedestal of sounds of course), and what I mean is they are all conscious, with past and present, but their past is irrelevant in some ways, while many of us are living forever in and striving no change out from our pasts. In my teenager years the feminine side of me, my mother, was excruciated, so the truth changed for me, all of them are liars, woman are not bad, I am not a man, I hate the man. My father becomes the father figure or the opressive system against myself and my intuition for what is right or wrong, so since then I get my own considerations for what is right and no man will or can control me in that, so I was definitely crazy, like a mk ultra agent, totally fucked up for ideology, anyone's sees that? So after years, basically now in my 30's (Im 27yold) I make peace with myself, in the sense that I respect my feminine side and i think the masculine statuses are not so evilship anymore, even understanding how the patriarchy is actually a Real and nightmarishly ideology still running inside the machine, one of his favorite apps, the system, other of his apps is economic war and latin america exploitation, his energy comes from that, so I think even knowing how masculine opressive ideology is real, I kind of can't care for anything of that and I really love man and woman, and theres no ideology to apart me from that, i will never be anymore in monogamy, because is a lie to divide and conquer ours values. Is part of the propaganda, they call it """natural""""", so natural.... Super natural.... The only natural thing we have in brazil is our land being burned for Monsanto soy dream and prohibited cannabis.

go for a beer young boy, you deserve it.


Please make a donation. I live in the third world and to continue any work, writing and artistic production, videos or images, I need your financial engagement to not end up in one of the mass exploitation factories of the Brazilian market dictatorship. Please!!!!! Any value counts, 50 reais (12,5 $) is little out there but it makes a big difference here.

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Mes motivations, vive la liberté!

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